Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Day 1

I looked up at the building in front of me. Main Street Books was the name on the front, and I pondered whether or not I should go in. It had been over two years since I stepped foot in a bookstore. We had been forced to close ours down after my co-owner and father had taken ill. We knew he was sick – and in a way we had been prepared for his passing, but it still irreversibly changed my life in every way. I closed my eyes, felt the breeze pass over my face. My eyelids were illuminated under the glow of the sun. I tried to imagine what my father would say if he was there with me. “Go in you silly girl! You can’t avoid bookstores forever!”

So I did, I stepped in and somehow, I found myself home.


This post is a response to the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers challenge. Photo provided by Dawn Miller.

19 thoughts on “Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Day 1

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I would have liked to explore that a bit more but I was worried Id go over my word count! Oh well – practice!
      I would love to check yours out, when I’m home again I will definitely !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I found this great tips on writing flash fiction on someone’s blog. I should post it..one of the tips was on editing so we can get as much of the good stuff as possible.


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